+7 (995) 7-888-000

About us

Any airline in this world, no matter which country it is registered in, from time to time faces difficulties with such issues as traffic rights, accreditation in a foreign State, airport slots, finding aircraft in the market, etc.

Of course, the frontline to solve such issues are employees of the head offices and/or local representatives and agents.

But what if the airline can not open it’s representative office abroad for various reasons? Or Lacking qualified personnel for such tasks? Having that in mind and in order to fulfill your plans and desires we have decided to form a consulting service agency which can provide mentioned services “on a turn key basis” to those stakeholders who require it.

Our geographical abilities are not limited to Russia only: partners in US, Europe and Asia are ready to provide their expertise at your service.

Having said that, if your company does not have appropriate experts or you do not want to waste your time on certain matters, our knowledge and experience will help your company to achieve settled targets.